Other than a sad loss of cucumbers this year from constant rain and flooding, the garden is pretty much right on track. I'm also including some fun pics of my walk at the river, because there's always something cool to get pics of.
This is my volunteer tomato plant looks to be a slicer! Growing in the same pot is a strawberry plant, and some purslane that I posted a pic of last update.
Doubled in size since last week. Each time I've googled this plant, from any angle, it tells me it's a Black Mulberry. If you're a mulberry grower, I'd love to hear from you to confirm!
Sometimes, harvests look like this. My wee basket of cherry tomatoes and spearmint for the tea jar.
Spotted this dude on the blackberries. Google tells me he's a Snipe Fly, or a Rhagio.
I'm going with Rhagio, as it sounds like a cool name you might find in a Tolkien story.
On the way to the walking path at the river, I spotted this lovely creature. It didn't appear afraid of me at all, and let me get about 4 feet away, taking pics. I'm more or less a Disney Princess now. 😂
Cool structure spotted in the woods, that wasn't there last week. Lots of kids play in these woods so I suspect one of them or a group of them decided to build this. Very impressive!
Scarlet Runner Beans showing off in the middle of the garden 💖
First batch of garlic dills this year. Half were mine, the other half I had to pick up at the farmer's market. Cucumber Lane will be getting an overhaul this fall after the season is over, and I'll be building two new raised beds there instead of planting directly in the ground.
Just being a Disney Princess again as these two doves let me walk right up to them. 💖
Thanks for stopping by and taking the garden stroll with me 😊
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