Saturday, February 10, 2024

Life Seasons & Titus 2 Calling

When I decided to begin blogging again, I made the choice to archive all my old posts here from 2004 through 2023. I didn't archive them because I'm ashamed of anything I wrote in those 19 years (although some of them may actually be quite cringe, or outdated for sure), but because I wanted a completely clean slate for writing about this season of life. 

When this blog began I was a 40 year old homeschooling mom with a houseful of kids from toddlers to teens and my oldest had already moved out.  Over the course of the lifetime of the blog back then, there were all sorts of trials and joys, bumps and surprises, mountains and valleys that the Lord graciously brought me through to the other side.  But now I'm in a brand new chapter and things look much different from this new perspective.

At the end of this year I'll turn 60, and that idea is sort of surreal, if I'm being honest. I've never really sat around and thought about what a 60 year old me would look like to me, but if I did, I think I would have hoped that she'd be smart, kind, compassionate, patient, and had allowed her life's many dark and painful trials to refine her into a more Godly woman. Someone that I'd want to be friends with, and be encouraged by. So then a short while ago when I had the opportunity to have a conversation about growing in grace, spiritual maturity and being an example to others, I realized that without even really knowing it, I'd sort of been waiting around for some official timeline to start being the Titus 2 Lady.  

It's kind of funny when I think about it now but then wondered if Titus 2 Ladies just suddenly realize "it's time" as I realized it's time I begin intentionally being the example I hoped the 60 year old me, would eventually become. Specifically, I want to be the person that always has a word of hope and encouragement, knowing how much it's needed in dark days. 

And that's so much harder than it sounds. Quite often these days the temptation is to respond in a less than grace-filled manner when someone says something inappropriate, incorrect, insulting or just something else you disagree with in some way (whether in person or online in social media settings).  It's disturbingly easy to blast someone for saying something ugly, while it takes far more grace and far more self-control to respond in a manner that takes the sting out of their words and infuse something sweet-smelling into the conversation that makes people stop and think. That last part takes a lot of intentional creativity and prayerful thought. Instead of a knee-jerk reaction, you have to literally stop yourself and think carefully before responding, and that's not always an easy thing to do.  But it's so incredibly valuable. And sadly, in an incredible short supply. 

While thinking about this today, I saw comments from several people on social media (on two different platforms, and several different conversations - which tells me that many others are struggling with this) talking about this subject, and it really hit home. The comments essentially said that it's quite often the prideful, arrogant and immature who constantly correct, criticize and scold, while the spiritually mature and wise are the ones who tend to exhort, encourage and build up. I thought that was a pretty interesting observation that multiple people seemed to be in agreement with.  

In one of the short conversations a woman stated she was so tired of being constantly told she's "doing it wrong" (referring to herself being a young, Christian mother), being criticized and insulted, and would be leaving social media, as that has ruined it for her to be able to enjoy anymore. I don't know the person who said this but it made me sad to see how constant criticism & scolding truly tears a person down. I hope she finds someone who will come alongside her and be an example of Godly grace and encouragement that she needs in her life.  Honestly, how many of us as young Christian moms needed this in our lives?  I know I sure did.   

So, as I begin chapter 60 this year, my hope and my goal is to be the person I hoped I'd be. The one Scripture calls me to be: 

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Titus 2:3-5

While all of it applies of course, these attributes I've bolded make it obvious that this is exactly the kind of conduct us older women are to be busily engaged in, to both glorify God and be examples to younger women. 

I hope this blesses and greatly encourages you. 

1 comment:

  1. Your words have given me pause to realize I certainly need to step up as an encourager.


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