And just like that, the Juncos arrived, the autumn color change is almost at peak, there are flurries in the forecast off and on... and the last harvest of the year is done. Well, almost last. I'm leaving the carrots a little longer to see how they do.
Overall it was a really good growing season, despite a few problems here and there. A couple of things I won't be growing again will be sweet potatoes and onions. I was very hopeful for the potatoes this year (their vines were long & healthy) but they didn't produce well. This is the 2nd time I've tried with the same poor results so, they're out. So for now the plan is to replace that growing space with a single raised bed and fill it with strawberry plants.
Things keeping me busy since my last garden update:
Salsa with the last of the ripe tomatoes & jalapenos for the year
Final pepper haul of the year October 13th
My cozy, charming wee garden
Little Jalapeno Forest
I wish I knew what both the possum and the squirrel were thinking 😂
A green onion from the farmer's market. My garden will have what your's is having, thank you.
I'd love my own home grown veggies to look like this! 😁
Yummy summer berries 💖
Other than the late summer planting of carrots, I still have loads of garlic to plant, leaves to mulch for all my beds, and berries to cut back. Thankfully the forecast is favorable over the next few days. Other than that, I can officially say the wee back yard garden is closed for the season.
That will do it for this garden season update thread. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have an incredible day. 😊
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